As we continue to watch and take action around COVID-19, our ministry is going through a bit of a change. With the "Shelter in place" order, we miss being with the student-athletes and their families, but rest assured we are complying & all communication with the guys has gone online! We’re challenging them to continue with their fitness, we’re setting up virtual accountability check-ins, and calling them individually for support and encouragement. If you want to follow this new journey (trust us, it’s changing continuously as new information around the virus becomes available), like and follow us on Facebook!
We’re trusting the Lord for creativity and direction as we continue to (digitally) pour into the lives of those we serve!
P46 was founded by David and Holly Hughes in February of 2013 in order to reach out to student athletes and their families in the Rainier Valley to bring hope and opportunity through the “living out of the Gospel” through word and real life examples, sports, education and community involvement. We humbly seek to fulfill this ministry through sports and coaching, and direct involvement in the personal and athletic lives of the students and athletes.
“Paraclete is an intercessor, advocate, counselor, or comforter. We stepped out in faith sensing God leading us to minister to student athletes and their families at Rainier Beach High School.”
Our Mission.
To work with urban student athlete’s and their families. To improve academic achievement, athletic skills, and community-mindedness with the goal of improving their eligibility for college scholarships or above-poverty-level employment.
Our Goal.
To be a resource and give guidance to at-risk urban student athletes and their families.
Our Method.
Pray hard, build a team of like-minded supporters, develop relationships, share the gospel in word and deed, live it out among them and rejoice in the Lord, always.
The Result.
The results are up to the Lord! “I planted, Apollos watered but God gave the increase” 1 Cor. 3:6. In all that we say & do may He be glorified and may all who come behind us find us faithful!
Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.
Together we can make a difference in the lives of urban student athlete’s and their families.